Firstly i had a very exciting request from Sew Hip magazine to do a piece on my adult slippers so that was very exciting, a lot of hard work but very exciting. Writing was never my strength at school so trying to write instructions that someone else had to follow proved to be quite a challenge!!

Then after that my little Etsy shop went absolutely mental with wholesale orders, I had 5 all in a very short space of time and have since been churning out booties, burp cloths and purses by the dozen like a machine. Bed time went out the window and my house looks like a fabric shop has been sick all over it but it was definitely worth it and an excellent learning curve. I learnt that making items by bulk is much quicker and so I think i will be doing that in regards to my shop from now on, I also learnt I need to be more realistic with the times I quote people and remember that there is only me sewing and I have a 2 year old that demands and deserves the larger share of my attention!! So with all that my poor little Etsy shop has been very neglected and has rapidly dropped from nearly 60 listings to 40!!
In between all of those things it was mine and hubby's 6th wedding anniversary!! Time really does fly when you are having fun! So we managed to squeeze in a week off, unfortunately the fabulous abroad holiday was off the cards this year so we went out and about to lots of fun kiddies things in the Uk. The little monster got completely spoilt all week with presents and sweeties and days out, generally just a fab family week!!
So now i have finally got my world slightly back to normal I can start to focus on rebuilding my stock so expect lots of new things over the next few weeks and then i am going to take a look at the amazingly large list of ideas you all had when i had my giveaway all those weeks ago!!
Here is just some of the ideas you guys had:
*Unisex items
*Boys Booties
*Bigger range of fabric for the adult slippers
*Men's Slippers
*Matching hats
*Bright coloured plain fabrics
*Smaller purser (credit card size)
*Larger purses
*More toddler sizes
*Baby Blankets
*Car seat Tents
*Children's sizes
*hair bows
*Clothes - dresses etc
On top of all this I am also aiming to phase out the made to order items, I think as a customer having to wait for something to be made is sometimes off putting and as the person making them life is easier if I'm just selling what i have!!
And last but not least i just had to share with you all this absolutely amazing notepad i found whilst browsing the Etsy forums today:

I am absolutely in love it and may well be purchasing one in the near future when i have some spare pennies and a bit more time to choose. They are soooo beautiful and completely sensible and practical as well, with great wooden covers so you always have something solid to rest on, plus they would look fab out on display on your desk as well!!! Even better you never have to throw it away as you can refill them!! Love it!!! Check out the whole shop here at Timeforteame
Well that's about all from me and my little catch up today. Hopefully i will be back soon with more things i find on one of my many shopping trips!!!
Wow you have been SUPER busy! I love sew hip :) didn't realise you had made the slippers! that is amazing how things have picked up for you - looks like the nice type of busy though! Debs
Those slippers are super cute!